Dream of swimming in the water, Do you dream of swimming in a pool? Do you dream of swimming in a stream? Do you dream of swimming in a big ocean? Do you dream of swimming in a lake? Do you dream of swimming in a flowing stream of water or river? You are about to get meaning of swimming in any form of water. Remember Spiritual controls the physical world, Life its self is a mystery. Understanding the mystery of swimming in the dream requires a deeper understanding of Spiritism.

“Nature is always hinting at us. It hints over and over again. And suddenly we take the hint.” for you to swim in the dream means deeper than you can ever imagine. Mother nature is supreme, and believe it or not she is closer to you than you can imagine. Queen mother nature want to bring you into her world. For more enlightenment contact Priest Marabout Roi of Bénin Republic:  https://www.spiritualsolutiontemple.com

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