Dreaming of someone feeding you or encouraging, Never ignore any dream of eating in dream. God loves you if you see any kind of dream that relate to force of feeding in dream - dream of eating food in the dream as a result of force brothers as sister life is deep the evil people want to stop go things coming to you. This SPIRITUALIST is very powerful in tackling issue like this view him on YouTube below channel, remember spiritual controls the physical.


 if you are someone in dream seeing you self eating in dream you. Eating in dream meaning someone is poisoned in soul and body and Eating in you dreaming meaning that someone is monitoring you life in spiritual ream. This type dream is very much possible to slow your life remember spiritual controling physical theory's of life.

Bring them down before they bringing you down contact Priest ROI Marabout SPIRITUALIST of Bénin Republic.

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Someone Feeding you dream Interpretation of Eating in the dream

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